
Jee Vang is the proud father of seven wonderful children and husband of a loving wife. Jee was born in a refugee camp in the Land of Smiles (Thailand) after the Secret War in the Land of a Million Elephants (Laos). Jee came to the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave (United States) no more than two weeks after his birth. His hometown is Fresno, CA.

By the age of 16, Jee graduated from Clovis High School and attended Georgetown University. At Georgetown University, Jee earned a B.S. in Biology. Jee continued his education at The George Washington University and earned a M.S. in Health Services Administration. Jee earned his Ph.D. at George Mason University in Computational Sciences and Informatics.

Jee works professionally as a software engineer, data scientist, and researcher. Jee has had experience with enterprise frameworks such as J2EE and .NET. Jee’s latest engineering endeavors are in the Big Data space using, innovating and adapting tools and technologies in the Hadoop ecosystem including, but not limited to, Spark, Accumulo, Elasticsearch, Kafka, and Zookeeper. Jee would love to learn and work more using different paradigms and ways of solving engineering problems using reactive programming (as opposed to event-driven), microservices (as opposed to monolithic designs), MV* (as opposed to classic MVC), and functional programming (as opposed to imperative programming). Jee’s academic interests includes data mining, data visualization, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Bayesian belief networks. Outside of school and work, Jee loves to play and watch tennis.

You may contact Jee at vangjee(at)gmail(dot)com.
You may also network with Jee at http://www.linkedin.com/in/vangjee.
You may also see some of his open source contributions at https://github.com/vangj.

Jee Vang’s Profile
Jee Vang's Facebook Profile